Alien: Romulus (2024)

Alien: Romulus Movie Watch Online Free

On a daring mission to colonize distant worlds, a group of young explorers land on a mysterious planet destined for settlement. At first, their assignment seems simple and exciting – to explore the new world, to prepare it for life. However, they soon discover an abandoned space base, shrouded in an ominous silence and imbued with a sense of something evil. But the emptiness turns out to be deceptive: in the depths of this base lurks a ruthless xenomorph, a creature that has turned a once vibrant place into a dead zone.
A mission that began with a dream of a new home quickly turns into a desperate struggle for survival. The monster begins the hunt, turning every hallway and room of the base into a deadly trap. Cut off from the outside world, without support or resources, the colonizers are forced to be incredibly resourceful, using improvised means to avoid becoming the next victim. Their only chance for salvation is to not only overcome their fear, but to band together to confront the alien threat. Otherwise, they will suffer the same fate as the previous inhabitants of this base, who disappeared without a trace into the cold cosmic void.

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