Movie The Gorge 2025 Watch Online Free
On the edge of an abandoned the gorge where time has frozen, two snipers are given a strange assignment: to take up positions on opposite slopes and observe. They are told neither the purpose nor the reason, and they soon realize that this is no ordinary assignment. Something lives below, something ancient, predatory, alien to the laws of nature. They hear sounds that shouldn’t be there, notice movements in the shadows, but most importantly, they sense that the gorge is becoming more and more their trap with each passing day.
Isolation blurs the lines between duty and instincts. Enemies at command, they become each other’s only threads holding sanity together. Surveillance becomes survival, and their bond becomes something beyond the ordinary. In an attempt to understand why they were sent here, they uncover a secret that would rather remain forgotten. But there’s no turning back. In this deadly game of precision and patience, the main question remains the same: who will prove to be the hunter and who will prove to be the prey?